FAQ on
Cordlife Care360o
What is Cordlife Care360° Safeguard Programme?
The Cordlife Care360° Safeguard programme is a comprehensive safeguard designed to give you and your child extra peace of mind. The Care360° Safeguard programme allows you and your family to enjoy:
Cordlife Transplantcare:360°
Gifting Your Family a Peace of Mind at Every Step of the Way
Cordlife provides partial coverage* of your child's medical costs for hospital services when a cord blood transplant is required.
Cordlife Worldwide:360°
Limitless Protection for You and Your Family
Cordlife will deliver your child's cord blood unit to any location in the world at no additional fee, should an autologous or allogenic transplant be required*.
Cordlife Protect:360°
Peace of mind for You and Your Family
Cordlife, together with an international insurer, will waive off your child's future storage payments should you or your spouse pass away, or suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)*. Depending on the payment plan you selected, your family may also receive a token fund*.
Cordlife Pledge:360°
Our Pledge to Quality Processing and Storage Standards
Cordlife guarantees you a suitable match or S$50,000 to cover medical costs if the cord blood unit loses it vialbility at point of transplant^.
Cordlife Assure:360°
Assurance Tests prior to a HSC Transplant
Cordlife will cover the costs of matching (HLA resolution test) and viability (CFU assay) prior to Haematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) transplant*. This is our assurance to you if the need to release of your child's cord blood for a transplant ever arises.
Cordlife Guard:360°
Safeguarding You and Your Family
Cordlife has taken added insurance coverage, to safeguard you and your family from financial loss that results from direct malpractice*.
Cordlife Shield:360°
Tender Loving Care for You and Your Family
Cordlife provides coverage for possible pregnancy and/or childbirth complications^, so that you and your family can have an added peace of mind.
^Conditions apply.
*Applies to Cordlife Group Limited enrolments starting on 7 September 2011. Kindly note that the above-mentioned is general information only. Please look at the Cordlife Service Agreement for all the details and the rules. Cordlife Group Limited reserves the right to amend or cancel any of the benefits listed above without prior notice. International quality standards may differ between the time your baby's cord blood unit is enroled and the time it is released for transplant. All reasonable efforts will be made to adhere to the prevailing standards at the time of the release of your baby's cord blood unit. HLA testing and CFU assay may or may not cease to become a mandatory quality check.
I am delivering overseas but storing with Cordlife Singapore. Am I eligible for the benefits of Cordlife Care360° Safeguard Programme?
Cordlife Care 360° Safeguard programme is only applicable to Singapore deliveries.
I am delivering in Singapore and storing my baby's cord blood with Cordlife Singapore. However, I'll be returning to my country after my delivery. Am I eligible for the benefits of Cordlife Care360° Safeguard programme?
We are pleased to inform that Cordlife Care 360° Safeguard applies to all Singapore deliveries
I am an existing Cordlife Parent. Will the benefits of Cordlife Care360° Safeguard programme be extended to my current account(s)?
At this moment, only clients who enrol with Cordlife from 7 September 2011 can enjoy the benefits of Cordlife Care 360° Safeguard programme.
Will the benefits be extended to the adoptive parents?
Once the adoptive parents receive the letter of the adoption for the child, they will be covered under Cordlife Care 360° Safeguard programme.
My husband and/or I have an existing health condition. Am I still eligible for the benefits, in particularly for Protect:360°?
If the child is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the time of enrolment with Cordlife, Protect 360° coverage will begin only on the child's second birthday. Kindly note that our international insurer will conduct investigations prior to any claim disbursement.
What is an example of an "approved HSCT"?
Our HLA tests are performed by Health Sciences Authority (HSA).
Who performs the CFU Assay?
The cord blood Our CFU testing will be performed by the Singapore Cord Blood Bank (SCBB). They are the only ones in Singapore who perform CFU assays.
How do I claim for the token fund under the Cordlife Protect:360° benefit?
The death certificate must be submitted to Cordlife in the event of the death of either biological parent. Cordlife will then determine the token sum payout based on the terms and conditions in place at the time.
What if both my husband and I met with a fatal accident? What kind of pay-out will my child receive?
The coverage is only for one biological parent; hence, the payout will only be based on one death.
If I (the biological mother) dies during childbirth and cord blood has been collected, will my husband be eligible for Cordlife Protect:360°?
Yes, as long as all required documents have been signed, your husband will be covered under Cordlife Protect:360°.
Will you inform us if the benefits have been changed or revoked?
Cordlife reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of Cordlife 360°. Parents will be informed if there are any changes.
I enroled after 7 September 2011 for my first child. If I enrol my second child with Cordlife in the future, will we be covered under our second account with Cordlife as well?
Yes you will. Both your accounts will be covered under the Cordlife Care360° Safeguard programme.
What happens in the event of a divorce?
In the event of a divorce case, only the legal custodian will be covered under this programme.
DCR No. 3323, September 2017