Why Cordlife
Singapore’s first cord blood bank with a successful transplant track record
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Technology and Quality Pioneer
AXP® II System Maximises Mononucleated Cell Recovery to Increase Transplant/Treatment Success
Automated Stem Cell Processing System
Stem cell isolation is a critical step in cord blood banking. It affects the number of stem cells that can be harvested or recovered from the cord blood. Cell recovery rates are critical because a higher number of stem cells could enhance the success of the transplant or treatment. That is why we invested in the latest automated stem cell processing technology – AXP® II System to harvest maximum stem cells for improved transplant or treatment outcomes.

AXP® II versus other processing methods
A U.S. FDA-cleared device that is capable of recovering more than 97% of Viable CD34+ stem cell, higher than other available processing systems.³ This safe, sterile and automated cord blood processing system also helps us to ensure your baby’s cord blood is processed with highly precise, reliable, and state-of-the-art technology, hence eliminating any possible cross-contamination of the cord blood unit.
Advantages of AXP® II and what it means to You, as a Parent
Feature | Benefits to You |
Quality and Safety
Cell Recovery
Regulatory Approvals
1 Harris DT. Collection, processing, and banking of umbilical cord blood stem cells for clinical use in transplantation and regenerative medicine. Laboratory Medicine. 2008;39(3):173-178. doi:10.1309/64G394K1M639L8A.
2 Rubinstein P. Cord blood banking for clinical transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2009;44(10):635-642. doi:10.1038/bmt.2009.281.
3 Yoo KH, Lee SH, Kim HJ, et al. The impact of post-thaw colony-forming units-granulocyte/macrophage on engraftment following unrelated cord blood transplantation in pediatric recipients. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2007;39(9):515-521. doi:10.1038/sj.bmt.1705629.
4 Purtill D, Smith K, Devlin S, et al. Dominant unit CD34+ cell dose predicts engraftment after double-unit cord blood transplantation and is influenced by bank practice. Blood. 2014;124(19):2905-2912. doi:10.1182/blood-2014-03-566216.
5 Substantially equivalent 510(k) device information. U.S. Food and Drug Administration website. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/approved-blood-products/substantially-equivalent-510k-device-information. Accessed May 2, 2023.
6 AXP(R) II System. ThermoGenesis website. https://thermogenesis.com/axp-ii-device-process/. Accessed May 2, 2023.
*Kindly note that the above mentioned is general information only. Please refer to the Cordlife Service Agreement for full details and its terms and conditions. Cordlife Group Limited reserves the rights to amend or cancel any of the benefits listed above without prior notice. International quality standards may differ between the time of enrolment and time of release of your baby's cord blood unit for transplant. All reasonable efforts will be made to adhere to the prevailing standards at the time of release of your baby's cord blood unit. HLA testing and CFU Assay may or may not cease to become a mandatory quality check.Cordlife has taken added insurance coverage, to safeguard you and your family from financial loss that results from direct malpractice*.
DCR No. 5002, September 2023